The Living Presence Symposium: Incarnating the Theology of the Church in Catholic Sacred Architecture

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A collaboration of the PCSA and the School of Theology and Religious Studies, the School of Philosophy, the School of Architecture and Planning and the Rome School of Drama, Music and Art at The Catholic University of America, the Living Presence Symposium: Incarnating the Theology of the Church in Catholic Sacred Architecture is being re-scheduled to a future date, to allow full in-person attendance to celebrate fully that Living Presence which calls us to together in His Name, and due to other current global and local circumstances. Building on the Festival Series themes, the symposium will include:

  • A common foundation in Theology and Philosophy touching on church design

  • Prominent Keynote speakers from the Magisterium of the Church, & major presenters in the field

  • Paper Sessions

  • Workshops

  • Panel discussions

  • Tours

  • Design Competitions in Architecture, Art and Music for Catholic church buildings

All will be focused on interdisciplinary collaboration dedicated to the development of Catholic Church buildings and renovations worthy of the mission of the Church.  

Organizers of the Symposium

“Living Presence” is a joint Professional-Academic Symposium organized by the Partnership for Catholic Sacred Architecture and co-sponsored and hosted by the School of Theology and Religious Studies, the School of Philosophy, the School of Architecture and Planning, and the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art at The Catholic University of America.

The Living Presence Symposium Planning Committee

Michael Patrick, Chair

Andrew de Sa, Co-Chair

Rev. Michael Witzak, School of Theology and Religious Studies Point of Contact

John McCarthy, School of Philosophy Point of Contact

C.J. Howard, School of Architecture and Planning Point of Contact

Nora Heimann, Benjamin T. Rome School Point of Contact for Art

Sara Pecknold, Benjamin T. Rome School Point of Contact for Music

Hosts Council

Very Rev. Mark Morozowich, S.E.O.D., Dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies

John McDonald, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Philosophy

Mark Ferguson, FAIA, Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning

Jacqueline Leary-Warsaw, D.M.A., Dean of the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama and Art

Advisors Council

Duncan Stroik, AIA, Professor, School of Architecture, University of Notre Dame

James McCrery, AIA, Professor, School of Architecture, The Catholic University of America

Partnership for Catholic Sacred Architecture

Michael Patrick, AIA, Founder and Co-Chair - Architect

Andrew de Sa, Co-Chair - Artist

Tim McDonnell - Music

Ed Hathaway - Pastor

TBD - Philosopher