
Current Festival Series

Pre-Register Now for the FS2 Webinar

Date TBD (To Be Determined)

Participate in this five-part Living Presence Festival Series on essential insights for Catholic church design:

  • FS1 - Joyfully Returning - Insights from the Pandemic on the Value of Presence in Catholic Sacred Architecture

    The PCSA hopes you enjoyed the Joyfully Returning webinar.

    CLICK HERE to view or download the recording of the webinar

  • FS2 - Foundations - Understanding the Theology and Philosophy that give meaning to Sacred Architecture

    Date TBD

    PRE-REGISTER NOW for the FS2 Webinar

  • FS3 - Action of the Liturgy - the creation of Sacred Church Architecture, Art and Music

    Date TBD

  • FS4 - A Tradition of Presence - Video tours of the churches in our tradition that have continued the Living Presence of Christ in the world

    Date TBD

  • FS5 - A Living Presence - Continuing the Tradition: Exploring the churches being built today

    Date TBD

All events available by video; in-person as prudence and local regulations allow.


Upcoming Symposium

At The Catholic University of America

Date TBD

Sign up now to be part of the next Living Presence Symposium.

The 2022 Living Presence Symposium: Incarnating the Theology of the Church in Catholic Sacred Architecture, has has been postponed to a future date TBD. We hope and pray that in-person attendance from around the world at that time will allow us to celebrate fully the Living Presence which calls us to together in His Name. The event is a collaboration of the PCSA and the School of Theology and Religious Studies, the School of Philosophy, the School of Architecture and Planning, and the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama and Art at The Catholic University of America. Building on the Festival Series themes, the symposium will include:

  • A common foundation in Theology and Philosophy touching on church design

  • Prominent Keynote speakers from the Magisterium of the Church, & major presenters in the field

  • Paper Sessions

  • Workshops

  • Panel discussions

  • Tours

  • Design Competitions in Architecture, Art and Music for Catholic church buildings

All will be focused on interdisciplinary collaboration dedicated to the development of Catholic Church buildings and renovations worthy of the mission of the Church.  


Past Events

2010 Living Presence Symposium

2021 Festival Series Events

Learn more about the 2010 Living Presence Symposium.

The 2010 Symposium: A Living Presence - Extending and Transforming the Tradition of Catholic Sacred Architecture, gathered 125 participants from six countries for an interdisciplinary conversation about important ideas for the design of Catholic sacred architecture. Organized by the PCSA, and co-sponsored by the School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame and the School of Architecture and Planning at The Catholic University of America, the symposium focused on the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, and on open discussion between different approaches to the design of churches. The Symposium featured many of the same elements as the upcoming symposium, and received over 50 design competition entries. The 2010 Living Presence Symposium Proceedings Document may be ordered from the link on the Past Events: 2010 Symposium page of this web site, and a PDF may also be downloaded.


About Us

The Partnership for Catholic Sacred Architecture (PCSA) was formed in 2009 to organize the 2010 symposium “A Living Presence: Extending and Transforming the Tradition of Catholic Sacred Architecture.” Since then it has continued this work and is now engaged in the Living Presence Festival Series of events currently underway, and the planning for the upcoming symposium “Living Presence: Incarnating the Theology of the Church in Catholic Sacred Architecture.”

The Vision of the Living Presence Symposium series is for a regularly scheduled Symposium on Catholic church architecture, rooted in the documents, teachings and tradition of the Catholic Church; to be dedicated to the development of Catholic Church buildings and renovations that are worthy of the mission entrusted to them by the Church.


Contact Us

Contact the PCSA if you would like to learn more about PCSA events, have questions about registration or attendance, or would like to be involved in the planning and organization of upcoming events.